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KMID : 1001920090450020099
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
2009 Volume.45 No. 2 p.99 ~ p.102
Inflammatory Pseudotumor in the Lateral Ventricle with Repeated Bleeding-Case Report-
Park Jong-Hwa

Nam Taek-Kyun
Hwang Sung-Nam
Park Seung-Won
Inflammatory pseudotumor is an uncommon lesion with unknown etiology characterized by sclerosing inflammation which clinically and radiographically mimics a neoplastic lesion. A 47-year-old man presented with sudden headache and dysarthria. Brain CT scan revealed a 2.6¡¿2.2 cm sized, round, and hyperdense mass in the anterolateral wall of the left lateral ventricular trigone. On MR imaging studies, the mass showed low signal intensity in the wall of the trigone on T2-weighted image, central mixed (iso- and high-) signal intensity with peripheral low-signal intensity on T1-weighted image. Subtle staining of left choroid plexus with irregular shaped distal branch of anterior choroidal artery was found on the cerebral angiography. These findings suggested a small tumorous lesion originated from the left choroid plexus. During the hospital days, the mass manifested as repeated hemorrhages. The mass was successfully removed via left occipital transcortical approach. The histopathological report of the specimen was hemorrhage and fibrosis, with dense lymphoplasma cell infiltration, suggestive of an inflammatory pseudotumor.
Intraventricular tumor, Inflammatory pseudotumor, Hemorrhage
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